If you want a credit card with perks, a good credit score is key. But the exact number needed varies, depending on your specific credit profile and personal needs. Fortunately, there are many credit cards available for those with less-than-perfect scores. Credit cards tailored for bad credit usually have more lenient minimum credit requirements and lower fees, while those for prime scores offer rewards programs and other benefits.
What is the most difficult card to get?
The hardest credit cards to get are reserved for the ultra-wealthy and include opulent perks, such as travel credits, prepaid hotel rooms, airline miles, hotel loyalty program access and luxury shopping discounts. But getting one of these exclusive cards typically requires a good credit score and high annual income. And they often have high annual fees, too.
For those who do have a good credit score, it’s important to read the fine print. Creditrewardperks for the card’s interest rates, including introductory and ongoing APRs, and any other fees, such as late and foreign transaction fees. Also look at the card’s minimum credit limit and whether it has a grace period.
A good way to determine which cards are right for you is to get pre-approved. This process allows you to see if you’ll be approved for a credit card before applying and avoid a hard inquiry on your credit report. This can be done online or via an automated phone system. Once you know which cards are most likely to be approved, it’s time to start looking at the terms and benefits.