Heysnus is a Swedish tobacco product with an impressive track record. It’s a great harm reduction alternative to cigarettes and is generally considered to be much less harmful both for smokers and non-smokers alike.
The tobacco in snus is fermented and the product is subsequently pressed, which allows it to be shaped into a cylindrical or spherical form using the fingertips or a specialized cylindrical device, and then placed into the nose. The tobacco is then absorbed via the palatal ridges. The fermentation process also prevents the formation of potentially carcinogenic nitrosamines, heavy metals and polyaromatic hydrocarbons.
The Art of Snus: Crafting and Enjoying Your Own Blend
During the 1800s, snus became very popular in Sweden. Jacob Fredrik Ljunglof’s plant at Badstugatan in Stockholm was founded around 1695 and it grew to become one of the largest snus producers in the world. Today, the company is still family and its Ljunglof’s Ettan brand is the most famous snus in the world.
It’s important to know that, although snus is not considered to be a gateway drug, it can lead to smoking and there are reports of increased tobacco consumption among dual-users. However, the Swedish construction worker study [108] found six smoking quitters per snus user in a split-sample of young and old age groups, suggesting that snus may be an important factor contributing to low incidence of tobacco-related deaths in Sweden.
The use of snus has not been linked to any form of cancer and is believed to be less harmful to users and non-users alike than cigarette smoking, particularly in relation to cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease and stroke. Several studies have shown that the risk of lung, oral and throat cancers is lower in snus users than in smokers.