Toucan Crossing Design

toucan crossing design

As a design, toucan crossing design are intended to encourage cyclists to use the road system where there are not already dedicated cycle lanes. They are found at junctions where a major street crosses a cycle boulevard and restrict through traffic and left turn movements from the side street, creating a protected crossing for bicyclists.

They are also used on the entrance and exit of large parks. They can also be located on the edge of a pedestrian or cycle lane. The zigzag lines surrounding the crossing encourage drivers to slow their vehicles on approach and provide a better view for pedestrians or cyclists as they prepare to cross. It is an offence to stop within the zigzag line or block the way of pedestrians or cyclists using a Toucan crossing and can lead to a fine.

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The Toucan crossing operates the same as a zebra, pelican or puffin crossing, with pedestrians and cyclists pushing a button to request to cross. The main difference is that it shows a green man figure with a bicycle alongside the pedestrian figure to indicate when it is safe for cycling. It is possible to find other types of crossing that allow cycling but they are more likely to be found adjacent to a cycle lane and are often called cycle-specific, puffin, or horse riding (Equestrian) crossings.

When approaching a Toucan crossing, drivers should look out for the ‘wait’ symbol shown on the yellow box and keep scanning either side of the road in case pedestrians run into the road at the last minute. The lights may change before the crossing is completed so it is a good idea to have a plan in place for when you see the green light. It is also a good idea to keep an eye on the road surface and the weather conditions as these can affect the time it takes to slow down and stop.